Local Professional Development Committee
Recommended Certificate Conversion/License
Renewal Procedures
The Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) meets on the first Tuesday of every month at 3:00 p.m. in the Board Office and during the summer months on an as-needed basis. At this time the LPDC reviews Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs), pre-approve activities, and grants final approval of portfolios. Educators can expect to receive notification of approval, recommendations for revisions, or rejection within three working days after the LPDC meeting.
Step One: Complete your Individual Professional Development Plan Proposal (IPDP), print it, and submit a total of 2 copies to the building LPDC representative no later than noon on the Friday before the first Tuesday of each month.
Step Two: Once your IPDP has been approved, begin completing activities that are relevant to the identified goal areas of your plan. Be sure to document the time and collect necessary verification of completion. Please note that some activities may need LPDC pre-approval to ensure that the activity will be granted credit
Step Three: Maintain a file/portfolio of your documentation. The GEVS will keep a copy of the documentation in your LPDC file at the Gibsonburg Board of Education Office.
Step Four: Following January 1 of the year your certificate/license is due to expire, submit your completed portfolio, including original transcripts and pre-approved LPDC forms which document 180 clock hours of activities or 18 CEUs, 6 semester hours,(or a combination of the 2) to the LPDC for final approval. Go online to complete the application process located on the ODE website in your SAFE account. Have criminal background checks completed according to current ODE guidelines. See the negotiation agreement for dates and opportunities to obtain free background checks.
Step Five: Wait for the arrival of your new license from the State Department of Education.
LPDC Contacts:
Kyle Rase — Chair Person — Gibsonburg Middle School
Julie Bickford — Hilfiker Elementary School
Kirk Katafias — Gibsonburg High School
Justin Johnson — Gibsonburg High School
Leigh Carroll — Hilfiker Elementary School
Forms (make a copy to edit)