Special Education
Director of Special Education
Amy Miller
Phone: 419-637-7249 ext.312
School Psychologist
Lore Rywalski
Phone: 419-637-7249 ext.388
Special Education Main Office is located at Hilfiker Elementary
To view every child as an individual. To refresh student learning by motivating them with engaging activities while building trust and rapport with students, their parents, and the community.
Any student ages 3 through 21 identified as a student with a disability under The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, IDEA, will be serviced according to Ohio’s Operating Standards for Ohio’s Schools Serving Children with Disabilities. Our goal is to provide students with a free and appropriate education while providing them with specifically designed instruction and meeting their individual needs.
Gibsonburg Exempted Village Schools is dedicated to meeting the needs of individual children within our school environment. Our process allows our team to take an active role in identifying students with disabilities. If you know of a child, birth to 21 years of age, who is suspected of having a disability, please contact Amy Miller at amiller@gibsonburgschools.org.
As of August 1, 2017, Whose IDEA is This? will be replaced with A Guide to Parent Rights in Special Education. We have included the link to our website for you to have access to this resource.
We have also included the link for the memorandum addendum of the Whose IDEA is This? that occurred in 2014.
Below is a link to the Ohio Department of Education’s web page and a link to our State Support Team –Region 1 website for other frequently asked questions and valuable resources.
Child Find is a search for all children with disabilities. Gibsonburg Schools is required to locate, identify, and evaluate children within its boundaries suspected of having a disability.
Who are children suspected of having a disability?
A child appearing to exhibit a developmental delay;
A child with a suspected deficit in one or more of the developmental areas: communication, vision, hearing, motor skills;
A child who may be known to have or appear to have any of the following: autism; hearing impairment, including deafness; mental retardation; multiple disabilities; orthopedic impairment; other health impairment; emotional disturbance; specific learning disabilities; speech or language impairment; traumatic brain injury; visual impairment, including blindness.
If you have or know of a child who may have a disability, please contact: Amy Miller - Director of Special Education