Gibsonburg High School

 Justin Johnson, High School Principal

419-637-2873 Ext:1103

Dear Middle and High School Students, Parents, and Community Members,


I am incredibly excited to be joining this community and working with such dedicated students, staff, and families!


This will be my 18th year in education. I have a deep passion for K-12 education and believe that every student deserves quality instruction and support that prepares them for success in their life beyond our halls. I am committed to creating a school where all students feel safe, supported, and challenged. I believe that a strong school community is essential for student success, and I am eager to work with all of you to build a school that is a positive place for everyone.


I am particularly excited about the opportunities that exist at Gibsonburg Middle and High School. We have a talented staff, a supportive community, and a strong tradition of academic excellence. I believe that we can build on this foundation to create a truly outstanding school. I am looking forward to meeting all of you over the course of this year. I am excited to get to know you and learn more about your hopes and dreams for your children.


Thank you for your continued support of Gibsonburg Schools. I am confident that we can work together to create a school that is a source of pride for our community.


Your Partner in Education,


Justin Johnson

Honor Roll

HS/MS Upcoming Events

2024-2025 Student Handbook Final.pdf
Bell Schedules for 2024.2025.pdf





SCHOOL VISION:  The vision of Gibsonburg Middle School and High School is to provide all students with a high-quality education in a safe and student-centered environment.  To promote and develop integrity in all students, and the importance of serving others within their community, families, and our school.